Home Advantage Realty...The Advantage Is Yours!
Thinking of Buying a Home In Palm Beach County?
Home Advantage Realty is pleased to offer buyers who work through our company a rebate (typically 1.0%) on the purchase price of a home. Any home listed for sale with any broker can be eligible for this program.
Our rebate program is available to all home buyers and compares favorably with the rebates offered by associations that serve military families, seniors, and other special groups.
In exchange for offering this great benefit, we ask buyers to work with us exclusively in their home search. There is no obligation to purchase a home, but buyers agree to allow us to represent them if they do buy. The average rebate on a single-family home in our market area is $3,800.
As a full-service broker, we provide all the services buyers expect:
Searches on the MLS for suitable homes
Scheduling and accompanying buyers on showings
Preparing, presenting, and negotiating offers
Facilitating inspections and appraisals
Working with the lender and title company
Closing and post-closing details
We offer buyer rebates on existing single-family homes, town homes, and condominiums, and on all types of new construction. Rebates can be paid at closing in cash or applied to closing costs.
Please let us take a few minutes of your time to explain more fully our approach to selling real estate and what we can do for you.
J. Martin Frame, Broker
Home Advantage Realty LLC
12161 Ken Adams Way
Wellington, FL 33414
Cell/Text: 561-568-8420
E-Mail: Broker@HomeAdvantageRealtyFL.com
Web: HomeAdvantageRealtyFL.com ​